Analysis and optimal control of a fractional-order SEAIR epidemic model with two-strains

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Yassine Babrhou
Fatima Cherkaoui
Brahim El Boukari
Khalid Hilal
Ahmed Kajouni


This study focuses on the analysis and optimal control of a fractional-order SEAIR epidemic model, which consists of two strains. The proposed model's well-posedness is evaluated by examining its existence, uniqueness, non-negativity, and boundedness. Furthermore, two basic regeneration numbers are computed, and the model's two equilibrium points are the endemic and disease-free equilibriums. Using suitable Lyapunov functions and LaSalle's invariance principle, we conduct a stability analysis to examine the global stability of these steady states. Ultimately, using Pontryagin's Maximum Principle, we created a time-dependent optimal control problem. We evaluated the impact of model parameters on the dynamics of disease transmission and determined the efficacy of control measures using numerical simulations.


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How to Cite
Babrhou, Y., Fatima Cherkaoui, El Boukari, B., Hilal, K., & Kajouni, A. (2025). Analysis and optimal control of a fractional-order SEAIR epidemic model with two-strains. Gulf Journal of Mathematics, 19(1), 251-284.