Equitable isolate domination in graphs

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Mark Caay
Rodolfo Maza
Rafael Duarte
Sergii R. Lana
Bril Soriano
April Janer


A subset SV(G) is said to an equitable isolate dominating set of a graph G if it is both equitable dominating set of G and isolate dominating set of G. The minimum cardinality of an equitable isolate dominating set is called equitable isolate domination number of G and is denoted by γe0 (G). An equitable isolate dominating set S of G is called γe0 -set of G. In this paper, the authors give characterizations of equitable isolate dominating set of some graphs and graphs obtained from the join and corona of two graphs. Furthermore, the equitable isolate domination numbers of these graphs is determined, and the graphs with no equitable isolate dominating sets are investigated.


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How to Cite
Caay, M., Maza, R., Duarte, R., Lana, S. R., Soriano, B., & Janer, A. (2025). Equitable isolate domination in graphs. Gulf Journal of Mathematics, 19(1), 337-346. https://doi.org/10.56947/gjom.v19i1.2603