The union of two graphs associated with the set of all non-zero annihilating ideals of a commutative ring

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Subramanian Visweswaran
Hiren Patel


The rings considered in this article are commutative with identity which are not integral domains. Let R be a ring. Let A(R) denote the set of all annihilating ideals of R and let us denote A(R) \ {(0)} by A(R). With R, in this article we associate an undirected graph denoted by G(R) whose vertex set is A(R) and distinct vertices I and J are adjacent in G(R) if and only if either IJ ≠ (0) or I+JA(R). If R is reduced, then in Section 2, we prove that G(R) is connected and determine the diameter and radius of G(R). If R is not reduced, then in Section 3, we answer when G(R) is connected and determine the diameter and radius of G(R) when G(R) is connected.


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How to Cite
Visweswaran, S., & Patel, H. (2021). The union of two graphs associated with the set of all non-zero annihilating ideals of a commutative ring. Gulf Journal of Mathematics, 11(1), 83-104.